
If you are able to help us with a charitable donation please send your tax deductible contribution to:

Kindred Journey, Inc.
c/o Msgr. Arnold L. Gaus
Holy Name Catholic Church
500 N. Julian Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931

100% of all funds received by this 501C3 organization are for the use of the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the Incarnation in Haiti. (Please understand that tax deductible status refers to donations received from USA contributors.) If you are sending monies from Canada or elsewhere please send all contributions in the amount of US dollars. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated.

For Further Information:

If you have additional questions regarding the Little Brothers or Little Sisters of the Incarnation or if you are a member of a foundation with grant capabilities please send your inquiries and or grant application to:

Br. Francklin Armand
c/o 6157 29th Avenue North
St. Petersburg FL 33710

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If you have noticed some technical difficulty / problem with this website, please contact our webmaster at:

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